冬天就是需要cheesy stuff想起两年前水晶拿起桌上的矿泉水瓶当话筒伸到我面前问我Do you still have faith in people……I guess I do? E1哪怕自己做不到知道有人能做到已经欣喜安慰E2看到boarding pass整个人定住后来又倒回去看了好几遍E4不鸡汤有点喜欢-Somehow能resonate但can't make sense of the whole thing-可能真的因为我没有结婚E6小时候人人同我讲不可任性于是从未任性货车宝导航下载如今好想有任性的机会可我已经不懂怎样任性E8老年爱情真正率性直白cut the bullshit-你心中是否还有地方容下我我订了一间房一张床你觉得怎样-击节赞赏
Ricky Gervais stole the show completely. All stars to him. Golden Globe Awards is forever indebted to Ricky. Without his brilliant monologue, the show would be no fun at all.