给这片打五星的不一定是真爱粉给这片打一星的一定是无脑黑唯一的球星唯一的圆月弯刀唯一的大卫贝克汉姆一代人的回忆两百分钟看尽一生看尽青春Because of you… The Only One. “因为他是大卫贝克汉姆因为大卫贝克汉姆只有一个” 短短十年时光翩跹世事变迁看尽全片我竟无言“贝影远去贝影又近一切遥远一切清晰当熟悉的旋律响起关于这个男人的所有回忆GAY是什么意思似乎不曾远离”
1) What you do is very expressive of who you are. 2) All chefs seem to finally "go back home" in some ways. We can never forget who we are by looking at where are we from. 3) I love EP 1& 3 the most. I like the way to tell the two chefs' stories and like their personalities.