征兵电影还是反征兵电影怎么说都成立实际上homosociality的存在远远大于国家army可以换成帮派还可以换成监狱然后homosociality也被拆碎男人软弱、幼稚、茫然彼此消耗以神圣的名义死在战场之外(工具性的)女人埋葬他们然后回到故土还挺像寓言整部电影是失衡的但是这种不协调极具观赏性报纸头版是JAPS ADVANCE IN CHINA镜头中心的士兵们正在打扑克战争先被消化在日常生活里后被消磨在好莱坞式典型的情爱情节里而弗雷德金尼曼并不是有意识制造对比或讽喻至少后者不是
I do love it. Now I kind of understand why it's a great film, though I still can't articulate the reasons. All I can think of has been said: stylish, film-noir, dialogue, universal theme, the atmosphere, the setting, the music...a mixed genre classic. I can watch it again!