也太中二了一点我就想到好多好多年前的什么霹雳MIT之类的电视剧男主反正太极掌门啥啥都会女主练武奇才不小心救了男主男主慧眼识珠练着练着练出感情了然后一不小心解开恩怨拿个冠军什么的不过我觉得女主在我在未来等你的时候演技好像更好点不尴尬这部戏感觉始终有点尴尬附近约女生500米以内也是第一次看到没有吻戏没有床戏牵手拥抱都没什么感情的感情戏了只能说社长的颜还是没什么可挑的另外弹幕太欢乐一直让我想起something in your eyes…
2022.2.25 北京 4 “Winning is one thing. But out of losing I always learned more. Because you don't waste time blaming someone else... Change yourself to be successful." "Niki we miss you" "I cannot drive the car... but I try to understand everything around the guy who can. And I try to provide a framework for these individuals to perform their best."