结尾太他妈的令人不甘心了Faye, Spike, 大叔 Ed狗狗果然是慢慢入味的一部片子断断续续在边运动边看的情况下陪着Scott看完了“你认为人为什么会相信神因为希望相信是人类创造了神”“电视才是宗教” 倒数四集都是神作BGM永远惊艳有人在等你91含羞草官网入口2023是归宿 Real Blue Folk Chris
It’s fucking great. Definitely cried a lot but totally worth it. This is what democracy looks like. It really boils my blood. As long as there’s hope, we must carry on the fight. Honestly think aoc can become the president someday.