在此之前我从未如此细致观察体验思考过“母亲”这个角色谈到母亲想到Christy童年被screwed up的落魄Eminem在那首headlights呐喊时给妈妈的道歉Pamela Adlon把成年母亲内心所有失望烦躁都演绎的真实淋漓能感染到观众的累和郁生活不就是这样丧气十足一连串致郁过程么E06和09就完全五星止不住哭社会和孩子把理所当然全部压给母亲从不愿聆听女性角度的感受冠上虚伪“伟大”二字鼓吹女性牺牲自杀式付出Only women bleed. 模拟葬礼那里想到星运里的错葬礼是为了那些活着的人在葬礼前念给我听你写的悼词吧还有在海边的sad lady“我给你带来了这些花”多少唏嘘遗憾的孤独死去无人听闻 Louis C.K和Pamela真的太棒了
A personal story about a guy's life after the death of his wife. Not a typical emotional rebound story or trying to create connections between people. Makes you curious about Jake in his own way. Not sure about the destruction scene. Great acting, and stays with you. 4.5/5