噢有這個條目…喜歡Dr.Miller這個角色 像往深藍色中投入的白色光束 “ Why should you accept the world‘s view of you as a weak-willed neurotic? What right have they to judge? To judge you, they must have the capacity to feel as you feel. And who has it?
影片只是在尝试展现一个真实的见证和一堆无可争辩的事实“It's easy to dismiss what you don't understand or what you don't want to understand”——He is calling you back, no matter what. 复活节的主日受洗礼拜见证了66个弟兄姐妹的洗礼其中最大的83岁(哈工大毕业生)、最小的19岁