FANTASTIC. the suburban world, sex, femininity, tv, her small protest when she walked out the dance audition, fantastic shaky cam. colors. california dreamin dance. only problem: when she cried over the dead horse and the boy said "it was only 16" - heavy handed metaphor
20130924 虽然描写的各方面都不一样但是这部片子很容易就和沈从文的(边城)进行比较也许是湘西的风景太类似故事的节奏也相同吧摄政王府的性日常高H即便是讲的完全不同的年代不同的事情故事缓缓而来风景慢慢展开不知不觉中熨帖人心如果片中不出现那个本来是90年代的that is why you go away
当你觉得凯奇不会演戏时他又回来了;Cage can be loopy, weird and at the same time sympathetic;不同于原版却不如原版;人物动机十分混乱