My first review on Douban! I adored this imaginative take on the fairy tale; it’s packed with stunning visuals, great performances, tons of hilarious moments, and yet by the end I was in tears for completely different reasons. I hope this gets a wide release here in the States so I can take all my friends!
是多大的心才能把这样一个充满欲望、欺骗与倒错的故事拍得如此丰腴和得体宛如黑白柔焦下的梦露那种交揉了造作、刻板印象与考究、百里挑一的舞台感见证了那个时期荧幕艺术的尊贵气质把冰块一块一块的放进现在的黑幽纵使腥风血雨也很难复刻那种单调的奢华Nobody is perfect.
another classical luca telling a teen dream. in the dream nothing is real but he never fails to overwhelm you with the aching feeling of coming of age. something to remember tho, being able to dream and the urgency of that make up a large part of that particular age. pure raving beauty.