Ce film est vraiment émouvant parce que il explore la relation entre la compréhension et l'amour. " But i am not afraid any more, dear Émile. we know each other too well to ever grow apart" Is that true, Cézanne? Do you really understand each other? and is it that love is inextricable to understanding? that you cannot, love without understand? Is that why, you grew apart, forever and ever?
I'm your hedge. "Might" is a New Yorker's word. Bobby收买人心的过程有点太顺利了(有周折但太轻易)我太喜欢Giamatti的声音了Don't cross talk. Then I'll just talk. 父子情 原生家庭Chuck 半夜把Wendy叫醒 告诉他因为偷看notes他知道医生的事他要去找医生了如果你觉得出声阻止会让你好受机器人之恋下载现在就说但你阻止不了我 - 把对方的话提前说出来 堵死 博弈 棋局move;官司了结 Axe躺在浴缸那个疲惫的表情 很Bojack马尔科维奇Lara戏份比Kate还少Taylor有性生活