1 电影里的超人童年和现在普遍的不太一样德国巨大怪物视频没有堪萨斯农场克拉克是在孤儿院长大的 2 man of steel这个称号原来在第一部超英电影里就已经提及了呀 3 JLA里的克拉克用的杯子上印着自己的大头贴和一句话:“mild—mannered report, Clark kent.” 之前一直以为是JLA玩出来的梗今天才知道这句在这部里就有 4 超人打激光那段节奏也太合了点弹幕有人说“打音游”笑到我了哈哈哈哈哈 古早动画真有意思
sentimental, romantic kind of guy = weak he can't protect his family from leaving, it's his revenge and also atonement by showing her his feelings, torment, and fears. then he killed himself. it's too late for both of them. cinematically beautiful but the soundtracks are off.