novel by E.M. Forster // Nature pulls one way and human nature another. // if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars // what it would profit him if he gained the whole world and lost his own soul? Nothing, but he would not gain his soul until he had gained a little of the world. // music by Richard Robbins
20200523 Home Theater 旋转四面台高度压抑感火热原始的激情和欲望配上强烈的张力与冲突后劲实在太大不过不懂现代版的意义何在搡老女人ⅩXXX搡老女人一有时代局限的剧本如果要改现代版还是应该对剧本深入挖掘吧GA女神全程女高音声调真拼发疯后的眼神和肢体表现处理得尤为出色