If something makes you sad when it ends, it must have been pretty wonderful when it was happening. If you step back and look at the whole picture, if you're brave enough to allow yourself the gift of a really wide perspective, if you do that, you'll see that the end is not sad, Rebecca. It's just the start of the next incredibly beautiful thing.
GA的声音真的很问题…让人全程莫名焦躁再加上硬拗口音真的想打人Vannesa前半不行中场回来之后渐入佳境可惜妹妹在剧里除了贡献美好肉体基本上没什么作用… young vic虽然是个实验性比较浓的小剧场、舞台也是设计口中所谓的首次尝试日本一区二区三区免费高清是很棒没错啦但是NTLive那些大剧场里早把这个形式玩的翻来覆去的了