Though the idea of immortality has been explored to death, and even a very similar form of superpower has been on the big screen for a while (Wolverine), this movie still intrigues me. It is very enjoyable and approaches the concept in a surprisingly refreshing way! I hope a sequel is produced. Charlize is always hot and badass.
01.14.2023 Kino 鹿特丹连看很多好电影的感觉真是很爽除了节奏有些奇怪金瓶梅杨思敏也有可能是我被所谓的电影感电视感所局限之外真是讲了一个简单又感人至极的故事一个绝望被压的喘不过气的劳拉一桩事先张扬的谋杀案一点儿也不复杂Fire walk with me看她一步步走向深渊太喜欢谋杀戏和小酒吧戏份了