Being a Journalist, it seems to stand in a grey zone, it's hard to tell which is right which is wrong, every time the news you report or not report, u have to consider what it will be likely to influence on others. Guessing Heart is hard. good series!
也不是不能接受历史剧跟史实有偏差毕竟影视作品还是以娱乐为主但也不能太过分历史剧顶着真人名字胡乱改编成小丑般的形象美其名曰是“喜剧”这就可以吗这部剧极度不尊重里面所有有真人原型的角色无论对Peter还是Catherine the Great皆是纯属丑化历史人物行为男女主都是好演员长得好也当红疯马秀相信能演绎好历史人物所以为什么就不能拍一部正常的历史剧呢近年各种魔改历史剧盛行实在令人难以忍受