"I can't relate to 99% of humanity.""People still hate each other, but they just know how to hide it better."進入大人的世界就要學會隱藏 ("The studio wanted someone like Russell Crowe or Harrison Ford to play Seymour"...) 片尾竟然有彩蛋
成长的过程很忧伤 那些以为一辈子都会和你一起与平凡抗争的人 还是无可挽回的长大了 于是自己变成了怪胎 有一天难免要擦掉浓妆 换上制服 和所有人一样朝九晚五 年轻是种信仰 去过之后自己也不能理解当时的疯狂 We almost forgot, how lonely is was to be a child.