It seems Cathy and mike are surrounded by a bunch of daft. BUT they come to their senses all of a sudden when it comes to their personal interest. How interesting that is.This is, however, the real world. No matter how stupid they are, they take advantage of you under the facade of silliness. It is not warm but chilly to the bone
出乎意料地好看(和深刻)各种自我吐槽同时吐槽对家的老爷不能更可爱Iron Man Suck笑死我XD两个亿万富翁超级英雄打一架先好不啦玩梗玩到飞起结果小鸟叫爹和小丑表白(雾)还是戳到我TAT真是的40岁阿姨荒野大镖客一这样一部积木动画探讨的问题居然是硬币的两面性一群积木人还这么ZQSG……真是太讨厌啦(感动)