She was the last cowboy, all romance and failure. The world was changing, and her kind didn't have anywhere to go.
音效100分有两场戏太棒了:1.Ruben回到deaf community告诉Joe他装了耳蜗然后问Joe借钱买回他的房车Joe看着Ruben说“i hate to say this, but you really look like an addict." Riz把那个放不下执念的样子演的太好了眼神中的那种又像是自主的又像是被控制的无助和渴望飞机打多了肾虚怎么调理真的像drug addict其实任何放不下的执念都是一种addiction物质、情感、幻想、理想, etc2. 结尾Lu和Ruben的分手两个曾经相互救赎的年轻人说出那句 “you saved my life." 然后let go, move on
Five feet to the left and unhappy. 想起了朋友教授对我的评价:you have too many ideas. You came up with a new idea every 5mins but never carry through