很久没碰见这样让人浸入式沉思的剧了上次内核深邃又将我引入宗教沙漠的还是天使在美国有原教旨与现代性互噬的精彩对话(顺带狠狠磕了一口吸血鬼和它的主教、以及信仰之跃后的回春主教和他的无神论前祭坛男孩)、基督教本质主义的伪善嘴脸、盲从的信徒们为了女明星抛弃了他们的正主但最触动的地方还是对存在与死亡的洞察和细腻构想被给予永恒生命的主人公选择了自己的重生:他没去传播福音他让自己化为灰烬正如他给主教的信中写的“Remember we are dust, and to dust we shall return.” 人类会不停的重复反复的做梦因为“我们就是宇宙的梦境”所以应当想象我们是幸福的
The problem with Beasts Of No Nation is that it approaches war largely on the level aesthetic challenge, meaning that whatever sense of revulsion it creates comes from the personality of Commandant. It’s his absence, rather than memories of murder and rape, that hangs like a dark cloud over the movie’s intriguingly unresolved epilogue.