生杀予夺的无力娱乐至死的讽刺逃出生天的惊险刺激对于观众只是一个show的happy ending亦或是茶余饭后的谈资父子情深的戏码只是一个演员对于自己的演艺事业的意难平嘲讽直接拉满 “In case I don't see you......Good afternoon ,good evening ,and good night.”从第一次说这一句话Trumen就笑得过于憨态可掬漂亮的保姆6免费播放甚至有些不真实同样的不真实感还有楚门妻子的职业假笑冷漠得毫无破绽 原来水天一色的原因是天空和水面垂直楚门颤抖着走上台阶传来的节目导演的声音听起来多么像上帝啊楚门一个人的上帝可是他只是一个商业利益至上的节目制作人 我也曾担心楚门不愿意走出cell所幸他迈出了那一步
The performance is through the roof. The most important thing, I guess, is that this story actually gets told from the point of view of those fighting against the power that be. There is nothing less insidious than what the CIA did in order to suppress POCs' fight for freedom