Young men run on the road to success and wealth as they dream,.However the it is tough and misty, and they easily get lost. The right principle leading the right direction is just the moral sense and mercy on himself, leaving them helpless and desperate. Go ahead though it hurts
影片的精彩来自于对两个角色精准的定位并全程从不偏离人设丰满而统一通过车内和车外空间导演试图无死角地去呈现种族歧视显性和隐性的一面这个主题虽然有点老生常谈但视角的新意同样带来了不少生动和活泼故事单薄但观感很饱满不过依然觉得这饱满背后更多是演员的表演而非作品本身的厚度(就像去年的《上位》一样)对人物关系的描摹也多过于对主题的深挖电影因此欢快精彩有余而力度回响不足比如说两者的“交锋”中教授内心的挣扎和处境就没有特别具体地展开说明同理各段“被欺负”的场景到最后也让人感到有些雷同这部“公路片”光有了路却多少缺乏了点递进和层次 - Regal Union Square (11/17/2018)
感觉比S3好看I was so sad about Meechum, but seems that he gives way to Tom Yates..