先看的这个极品辣妈全文阅读小说喜欢 “What I learned from 2021 is people learned nothing from 2020.” Cool!!! That would also be my comment for 2020 I guess.
The first three are rather lukewarm. But starting with Piglife, the pulse of strength beats up and up and clutches at my heart. But all are the most genuine, spirited, ingenious and deeply fierce. To me, my own advocation towards either one of the perception matters little, as long as they are equally irritating to the "indignant opponents".
三巴掌换Woke蕾丝家庭集体自杀事件2Pac荷兰恐怖安乐死富豪之树配电锯崩坏乱世之历史赔偿合理性审讯粉丝吉他曲品牌剥削公益基金当代亲子教育他人之母who owns your master黑人肤色论火焰喷射对决法式面包杀人棍之吮指炸排让-皮埃尔·热内电影大致敬……一半本土种族大寓言一半怪奇癫狂欧洲行果然是玩出花了最后相片里出现的白男好像是在泳池爆头那位