黑色电影的经典之作本片台词、摄影、配乐都堪称完美两位男主角的对手戏令人叫绝阴冷的纽约大量夜景黄宗沾镜头下这个迷离的城市格外妖异冷漠男主角JJ权势逼人、道貌岸然另一面却是控制狂和不择手段的恶棍他太懂得怎么利用手中的权力和机会太有玩弄他人的欲望他对妹妹病态的感情最近免费观看高清韩国日本电影是他阴暗内心的折射Susie, I want to help you. You’re all I’ve got in this whole wide world. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.而男二如同小巷躲在角落里的一只野猫拼命想抓住一个猎物自以为凭着蛮横和没有底线的行为就能抓住成功的机会那一点甜蜜的滋味却太过短暂
it’s cheesy and kinda self-centered, but that’s more of a mine problem? even the songs are cheesy (yet of course they’re good). Rupert’s boyfriend is cute. ‘things are simple, people on the other hand, have an inexplicable proclivity to make them complicated.’