#观影手记# 2342 4.5 版本不对没有葬礼动画片,也没译出来A 片片名 旧情重燃的前女友在乌漆嘛黑的卫生间被蹲马桶看黄书马上风挂了的老头艹爽了真是大无语,编剧 求你做个人~ 但各种WTF中,荤段子里,motherfucker间,有智慧的光芒闪烁秉持原则,去别家录像带租赁店租碟片看的叨逼叨录像带租赁店员工LISA疯马秀造型曝光是个智者哲人啊“There's a million fine-lookin' women in the world, dude, but they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most just cheat on you.”沉默的鲍勃张口是金 自掏腰包刷爆信用卡也只够支付黑白胶片,留着同款胡子的男主,就是凯文自己的投射吧
Lesson1: Life is full of choices. those who think they can't choose, let others make choices for them. Lesson 2: In a battle, the one who has conscience lose. Lesson 3: Love makes us vulnerable; love makes us obsessed; love makes us blind.