一次伟大的公关北美体育史乃至世界体育史上里程碑式的商业事件之一另类的乔丹传记马特·达蒙在办公室里的那段独白配合闪前剪辑仿佛一道神谕宣告了篮球乃至现代商业文化史上不可复制的一段奇迹远见卓识、矢志不渝与八面玲珑共同构筑成的偏执传奇在那一刻同体力与心力交织而成的品牌胜利合而为一冒险、激进、真诚、亢奋、信任、酣畅淋漓just do it
A: The abstraction in flat prints, the dynamics captured in stillness, the sublime and the mundane, the vibrancy and serenity of the color palette, the freshness and joie de vivre of his portraits and manga…Such a genius and a constant source of inspiration…Gonna play Debussy the whole night and can’t wait for tmr’s exhibit!