靠着实力与勇气在决斗击倒一位又一位敌人你就跻身上流社会了靠着运气在三波子弹下活下来靠着运气在树荫下偷到了军官的证件靠着运气泡到了寡妇靠着运气来到法货军队靠着运气活下来救了另一个军官 当然靠着实力骗到钱靠着颜值勾到他人之妻 he want to step into my shoes. 真是淫乱无贞洁的黑暗年代 only money and power. 真是一个充满了勇气又下流无耻的英国绅士 拥有底子的美女真是任何妆容下都有其美 淑女与绅士在库布里克手里都变得赤裸裸 背景乐完美画面优雅 有那么一种腔调甄嬛传时候我看到了巴里林登里我也感受到了那种腔调不会理会价值观只在乎还原历史 世界不因为你邪恶而置你于死地 也不因你从良而为你网开一面
it's a sad story about the vietnam war.two american soldiers nick and mike changed a lot in the war,nick lost himself from a warm-hearted man to a cool man,mike survived the war but he would not be happy again without his best friend nick~~