Billy wilder大神的好片不过和 "the Apartment", "some like it hot"这样的经典相比附近网约这个电影没有什么人物性格的展开而是更像一个段子、包袱的大集合台词辛辣幽默令人从头笑尾把资本主义、社会主义、美国人、德国人俄国人、平民、贵族讽刺了个遍 连天朝也躺枪
Ginny had a higher expectation for her life; she wanted a change, an escape from mediocrity. But disappointed by life, she was seized by an urge of self-destruction. It’s like a wonder wheel; you always have your highs and lows, and whatever the change you make, you will always find yourself at the old place.