i'm done with skins. more boring than ever before. so i stop at s2ep07.
集数越来越少了一副要完结的样子也逐渐开始给一些角色安排结局了;经过这么多季的铺垫最近日本字幕MV高清在线最后一集直接把所有角色之间的链接升华到了另一个层次人物性格里那些闪光点在这个停电的夜晚变成了照亮我的灯put so much tears in my eyesJake和Amy最后的那段对白太感人了他们一定会成为非常棒的家长;虽然篇幅短但是还是保留了很多传统超长待机的Halloween heistJimmy Jab game也回来了;JK Simmons in the house babe;Cheddar实在太可爱了
What u see with ur eyes is not necessarily real…My enemy is among other things …the me inside me…Inside me is the un-me…its all becoming a little muddy…the locomotive is coming…