空难片+末世逃生的混合节奏紧凑难题频出悬念丛生让我久违地一口气刷完一部剧(也得益于只有6集每集不到40分钟)设定很优秀因为太阳的突变被阳光照射到会死亡机上这些不同种族不同阶层的人必须不停飞行SM利用昼夜变化躲避太阳所以叫“Into the night”当然也免不了利用封闭空间和绝境考验人性这一part其实做得不算好比较俗套
I'm not sure I fully understand the film. But I think I have had an idea of the surreal PTSD thing, the healing power of love and friendship, and Michael Jeter's greatness rather than weakness. BTW, his queer costume did catch my eye, but his pride in wearing it is way more arresting. Hurray for you, Michael!