#2023NextWave#献给影迷的反乌托邦“童话”在一个“电影世界”中阶级分化与权力斗争依然是underlying plotline.事实上电影的设定以及独特的创意元素太厉害了进一步掩盖/弥补了Paula寻找身世的故事线前后不够cohesive的缺点以“谁的都可以是主角/每个人的故事都重要”为核心在温情与泪水中看似超越了系统的桎梏然而所谓“普通人”的存在本身就是对于tyranny的批判心最真实的音乐也是对censorship最生动的反抗In between the cuts, 我们最终找到了自由了么
2.5 AMC Dolby. It’s so bad man… the only redeeming qualities r the art work (tho not my style) and the music (the film crew didn’t write it). The plot is corny tired & playedout. The boys r so annoying. Orientalism, appropriation of black culture, glorification of violence & human centrism. If u a teenage boy u will prob like it. Everyone else idk