What a twist! Might not be statistically possible, but sick as the family is guess everything is possible. Something tremendously disturbing about the conservative southern countryside. Feels like a creepy social experiment, except it was true. The fall of the south, indeed. Could relate a lot to the belief that 'let's end the sufferings and pains at me and not pass them to the next generation.'
尤其的触动到我 喜欢这部电影不单是因为它从一种不同于大众的视角来描绘了我生活的地方 整部电影的真实性和对话填充是最impress我的 让我想起了and while we were here 同样的短篇城市刻画的电影 最有味道 不落入俗套 兰桂坊都要去烂了 也从没欣赏过它所代表的城市艺术 也从没期望过任何意义上的浪漫