7分一首歌成就一部电影系列 in memory of 金庸四人联导但显然风格徐克沧海一声笑太经典多处replay但有机结合进了叙事后半剪辑过紧有损肌理原故事剥至见皮露骨台词之机趣及当代反思性佳 风清扬:“江湖派别满口道理不过是一场权力游戏.... 文争武斗尸横遍野说穿了还不是争论哪个当家” 叶童逼婚:“我跟你兄弟一场你一点都不讲义气” 古今福:“你以为这世上每个人都有资格笑吗有些事不可随便笑笑错会没命” 令狐冲拦住欲舍生取义的师弟:“不要随便牺牲”
I used to adore Duke of Edinburgh for his "not giving a fig" of any of those palaver. Now, I see the real challenge was to live under all constraints constantly and permanently. Furthermore, Meghan is lovely, but her too foreign, modern, progressive qualities do not mix well with the essence of what it means and entails to be part of the firm.