本英国夕阳红爱好者实名疯狂到可以忽略一切不合逻辑卡司bravo特别英国尬还有英国小村小车站呢你对着摄像头C自己给我看还有法国旧梦重温I mean what’s not to like!皮尔斯布鲁斯南演完007之后演这种对猫过敏车技堪忧浑身酸痛的中年危机角色好反差萌不过还是好帅艾玛汤普森女士依然是我的人生导师 “Love is easy to fall into. Liking is much harder.” “Think of your wedding as a driving test. You take it. You pass it. And then you really start to learn how to drive, or you crash.”反派又是Elle里那个可怕邻居
一部过度刻画了进步纽约(白)人成天在那there’s no such thing as gender, intersectionality, a Muslim fem有多令人讨厌得头疼的电视剧