彼时彼地恰如此时此地The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this.Try.
My eyes我不理解花房姑娘日本片免费观看首先怎么会是柴崎幸这个感觉像来打官司的演其次30岁的神木dd演高中生整个剧情也稀巴烂连不上乱七八糟不过毕竟蜷川实花有几个布景很fancy