Allahu Akbar. Deeply touched by the brotherhood that no one would be left alone, and also impressed by American Air Force Power. But a little confused about why US Army started the Afghanistan war and held on to an outpost in such an obliviously indefensible terrain.
Mary lou, mary lou, 关于她的故事在整个片子结束后一直萦绕心头如同回到了昏天黑地的中学everything's pushed back on me. 最后的讨论很有意思有人觉得太像演的有人觉得真实到让人不舒服(尤其是mary lou那里她自己说真实感来自于把镜头前的人逼到hysteria边缘)这里的实验推进到了一个不被认为是日常真相的真相的层面想起李安说的电影把人带到黑暗里再带回白日中;俩导演的讨论也实诚的可爱给我一种踏实做事的力量(和20岁大学生所说的impotence处在不同时空中的力量);整个片子如果在青春期一开始看到的话估计会抑郁到不行满江红现在看却出乎意料的平静先感受然后让它们散开来最后以某种形式在时间浇灌后被土壤吸收