E01:一上来就想骂人了Richard! You fucking PRICK!!! Richard这个人设也是不懂了一开始仗着自己是CEO就开始纳粹到最后自己又主动退出变成大无畏自私和无私可以在一个人身上并存E05: Tech is reserved for people like me. Okay? The freaks, the weirdos, the misfits, the geeks, the dweebs, the dorks! Not you. Richard真的是很矛盾的一个人一路向西完整未删减版有时候觉得他唯唯诺诺什么都不敢说但真的说出来又霸气十足Tech是他的底线就和TAB一样绝对不会让步的
My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what's right.